In this tutorial, we will go over the process of setting up and running MySQL and PostgreSQL databases using Docker Compose in a development environment. Docker Compose allows us to define container services for multiple versions of these databases in a YAML file, making it easy to create, configure, and manage them.
Here are the steps we will cover:
- Define a Docker Compose YAML file for a simple MySQL container.
- Test connecting to the containerized MySQL server using MySQL Workbench on the host OS.
- Test connecting to the containerized MySQL server database using another container.
- Test connecting to the containerized MySQL server database from within the container.
- Run multiple MySQL databases of different versions as containers.
- Configure volume mounts between the host OS and container to share the MySQL server configuration file.
- Configure volume mounts between the host OS and container to share the data directory.
- Manage containerized databases using a database management web tool, such as adminer.
- Run a containerized PostgreSQL database along with multiple MySQL databases.
By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Docker Compose to set up and manage multiple MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in a development environment. This knowledge will enable you to create complex, multi-database applications with ease.